In my previous post, I defined the problem and explained the link to all COVID-19 diseases; by far, it is not a mysterious disease, many like to present. The explanation is easy but the problem did not become easier with that. It makes sense why some people have died from it. However, presenting COVID-19 as a neurological disorder is a complete lack of knowledge. Dizziness, balance disturbance, and muscle twitching come from a different source as discussed in the first part, and will be touched upon further here. Why it should be me, who without any official medical education, tells you this, I do not understand but this points to a serious lack of knowledge in the medical community. Modern Western medicine has been relying heavily upon pharmaceutical solutions for so long that they have forgotten to do the simple math: two plus two. Connect the issue with the cause and treat the cause. There can be as many symptoms as there are organs in the body not more. Yet there can be thousands of causes of the same symptom: pain. Pain and hot inflammation contrary to your intuition are good, this is the way the body repairs itself, it only becomes bad when it never stops or is low-grade or cold! First, I will explain what makes me certain the medical community with their solutions is not up to the task now.
Because the standard protocol for acid reflux is still a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) given to you by the look in the eyes (a friend of mine got that as a solution to his abdominal pain recently). Such a solution defies any logic.
If we govern ourselves by the symptoms only that is bad science. Take a look at this (I encourage you to read all of it because stomach acid is the first line of defense of our immune system):
“A note from Cleveland Clinic
Hypochlorhydria, or low stomach acid, is a relatively underdiagnosed condition that may be more common than we know. Symptoms commonly associated with hyperchlorhydria, or high stomach acid, including heartburn and reflux, may actually stem from hypochlorhydria. Medications to treat high stomach acid can contribute to low stomach acid, making digestive problems worse. Successful treatment requires careful diagnosis and testing.”
So the lack of acidity may actually be the cause of all of your heartburn, which more likely than not will be treated with a proton pump inhibitor (PPI). From the same Cleveland Clinic web I found this:
Hypergastrinemia involves increased levels of gastrin, a hormone that aids digestion. This affects acid levels in your stomach. Hypergastrinemia may be caused by long-term use of antacids or proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), H. pylori infection, certain surgeries and other conditions. Treating these conditions also treats the hypergastrinemia.
So it is your meds that can cause H. pylori infection or worsen your heartburn. Now you may say, some people need this for ulcers. By the quick use of Google: it is a rare disease and in decline.
Now what is the frequency of PPI prescriptions? It looks like very frequent being the 6th on the list, omeprazole. The first one is for blood pressure issues, the second for lack of thyroid hormones, and the third for cholesterol, blood sugar issues another statin and here we are PPI followed by another blood pressure “solution”.
If scientists (researchers) estimate the prevalence of ulcers is anywhere from 1% to 6%, let’s set it for 3,5%, is this drug such a good solution to so many problems? Or is the Note from Cleveland Clinic somehow misunderstood by many in the medical community?
When you have a problem solver who struggles with simple solutions like the above how reliable can he/she be in a more complex environment? By the fruits, you will know them: recurring customers. The word patient comes from the Latin word to suffer. If you have a problem and pay for no solution to that problem you are truly suffering like the woman who was bleeding for twelve years from the Gospel, gave everything to doctors and found no solution. Is modern medicine doing the same? Their customers turn into lifelong sufferers with solutions they never stop taking and being truly passive. How can a passive state ever lead to problem-solving in your life?
This makes me highly skeptical of our medical system types of problem solutions since they can do more harm than good. Blocking the stomach acid for no real reason is the problem and not the solution because as per the Cleveland Clinic (I encourage you to read all): “Poor digestion from the lack of stomach acid can create gas bubbles that rise into your esophagus and throat, carrying stomach acid with them. Even trace amounts of acid in your throat can feel like too much.”
I know many people who use something alkaline for their heartburns, like baking soda to whatever. But stomach acid points to some mineral and protein deficiencies that have a root cause.
This all reminds me of people who can not discern whether a plant needs more or less water. When the leaves start losing their green color they immediately assume it needs more watering when it is less needed. In this case, more stomach acid is needed and not less, this is why strong lemonade or cabbage juice, rich in vitamin C help. Knowing left from right should not be an expert level of knowledge.
Two months after my first COVID-19 in July 2021, I developed exactly that! My heartburn was up in my throat I could hardly speak. I fixed it with some cabbage juice in two days. That’s what I thought. I did not pay attention nor did I know this was part of the COVID-19 picture in its beginning. The loss of iron, and proteins, lack of minerals and blood vessel stiffness, are all part of the COVID problem.